How does john locke define the social contract

​John Locke was an English philosopher during the Enlightenment, whose ideas served as the foundation for the American Revolution. Locke wanted to create a form of government that protected individual liberties while also creating a safe society.

​What did Locke believe in?

John Locke believed in the social contract, which was an agreement between the citizens and the government. Individuals would give up some individual rights and agree to follow the laws made by the government in order to create a safe and functioning society. Locke believed that no side should ever become too powerful. That’s why if the government isn’t protecting its citizens, the citizens have a right to disregard the social contract and overthrow the government to instill a more just one.

Locke also believed in the system of checks and balances, which was adopted by the American government. Locke wanted to have checks in place to prevent any branch of government from becoming too powerful. That’s why when Congress passes laws, the president needs to approve it, and the Supreme Court can look over it.

Locke believed in democracy, and these ideas spread over to colonial America during the enlightenment. It served as the foundation for the new government and pushed the colonists closer to war as they saw the benefits of creating a new democracy. The focus on individual rights was also revolutionary and made the American government the first of its kind. ​

​How can his ideas be applied today?

While his ideas gained immense popularity during the Enlightenment era, Locke’s teachings still have great value during the present day. His beliefs help preserve democracy to its truest extent.

Locke’s beliefs inspire order and justice as it advocates for a society based on following laws. He makes citizens aware of the social contract to get them to abide by the rules of society, and this is all for the greater good of the citizens. Order and laws are necessary to create a strong society.

Locke’s ideas also encourage citizens to stand up for themselves. When governments become corrupt and don’t serve the interests of the people, citizens are reminded to come together and create a more fair governing system. Citizens need to band together to overthrow corrupt monarchs.

Citizens can use the checks and balances they have in the government in order to get a say in politics. By voting and attending town meetings, citizens get the opportunity to work with politicians and voice their opinions over certain laws. Citizens become a necessary part of democracy, and all of this helps preserve the foundation of a democratic government.

Locke’s teachings have become so important because they served as the foundation for the first ever modern democracy. ​

Dylan Pandya

Dylan Pandya is a rising junior in high school and is entering his fourth year as a member of his school's Lincoln-Douglas Debate Team.