IAS 11 — Construction Contracts

First effective as Canadian GAAP under Part I for interim and annual financial statements relating to fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, except for subsequent amendments. Earlier application of Part I was permitted.

Published by the IASB:

Included in Part I of CPA Canada Handbook:


IAS 11 Construction Contracts provides requirements on the allocation of contract revenue and contract costs to accounting periods in which construction work is performed. Contract revenues and expenses are recognized by reference to the stage of completion of contract activity where the outcome of the construction contract can be estimated reliably, otherwise revenue is recognized only to the extent of recoverable contract costs incurred.

History of IAS 11

The following table shows the history of this standard subsequent to the adoption of IFRS in Canada.


Included in Part I of the CPA Canada Handbook 2

Part I of the CPA Canada Handbook issued

Effective for interim and annual financial statements relating to fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2011. Earlier application is permitted.

IAS 11 will be superseded by IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, which is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Earlier application is permitted.


  1. For further details of relevant developments prior to this, please refer to our Deloitte Global section.
  2. Newly issued, amended or revised IFRSs are part of Canadian GAAP only after they are approved by the Accounting Standards Board in accordance with its due process.

The above summary does not include details of consequential amendments made as the result of other projects.

Related Interpretations

Related IFRIC Agenda Rejection Notices

The rejection notices are available in our Deloitte Global section.