Atlantic county voter registration form

Atlantic County Superintendent of Elections,
Commissioner of Registration
President of the NJ Association of Elected Officials

Voting - Your American "Super Power"

As a United States citizen, one of your most powerful privileges is your Right to Vote. This "right," for many, has not been as entitlement for as long as you might think. In our nation's early history (1790's), voting was reserved mostly for white male property owners. Former male slaves were given the right to vote in 1870; and the Women's Suffrage Movement helped females achieve the right to vote in 1920. Still, discrimination was rampant. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act granted protections to many in order to ensure this fundamental right. These strides continue today.

As Superintendent of Elections, the goals of this office are Voter Registration, Education and Outreach. Given the fact that local elections in the last decade have been determined by as few as ONE vote, there is no doubt that YOU can make a difference. My team and I hope to encourage all Atlantic County residents to Register to Vote and to exercise their Super Power at the polls on Election Day. Please contact our Outreach Department today and we will help take the intimidation out of the registration and voting process.

Reach out today and take the ever-important first step in becoming a proud Atlantic County Registered Voter.

Kindest Regards,
Maureen G. Bugdon