11 Sample Letters to Tenants from Landlords

Landlords and property managers often need to communicate with their tenants for various reasons. This communication is essential in maintaining a good landlord-tenant relationship and ensuring that both parties understand their rights and responsibilities.

Letters are the most common form of written communication between a landlord and tenant. They provide a formal record of the correspondence and can serve as evidence in case of any disputes or legal issues. They are also a more professional way of communicating compared to phone calls or text messages.

There are various types of letters that landlords and property managers may need to send to their tenants. This article will discuss some common sample letters that you can use when communicating with your tenants. We'll also provide templates for each letter to make it easier for landlords and property managers to draft their letters.

11 Types of Letters to Tenants from Landlords With Templates

Below are some common types of letters that landlords may need to send to their tenants, along with templates for each one:

1. Rent Reminder Letter

A rent reminder letter is a document sent by landlords or property management companies to remind them of an upcoming rent payment’s due date or to inform them to pay overdue rent. This letter serves as a courteous nudge to the tenant, helping ensure that rent is paid promptly.

It is crafted to be clear and professional, outlining the amount due, the due date, and any potential consequences of late payment as stipulated in the lease agreement. It's vital to send this letter promptly to give your resident proper notice to arrange their payment.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to give a friendly reminder of the upcoming rent payment for your residence at [Property Address], which is due on [Due Date].

According to our records, the amount due for the upcoming period is $[Amount]. Please ensure that this amount is paid by the specified due date to avoid any late fees, as mentioned in our rental agreement, and to help maintain smooth financial operations of the property.

We understand that life can get busy, and this letter serves as a friendly reminder to help you keep track of payment deadlines. If you have already made this payment, please accept our thanks and disregard this reminder. However, if you foresee any difficulty in making this payment on time, we encourage you to contact us immediately to discuss alternative arrangements.

Payment can be made through [Preferred Payment Methods], and if you have any questions or concerns regarding your payment or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Landlord's Contact Information].

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for being a valued tenant. We look forward to your prompt payment and continuing to make [Property Address] a comfortable and enjoyable place for you to live.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

2. Lease Renewal Letter

A lease renewal letter is a formal document sent by a landlord/property manager to their tenant when the tenant's current lease is nearing its end. This letter serves to initiate the renewal process by offering the tenant an opportunity to continue residing in the property under a new lease agreement.

The letter typically includes details such as the renewal terms, any adjustments to the rent, and the duration of the new lease. It is a crucial step in maintaining the landlord-tenant relationship, ensuring both parties are on the same page regarding the tenancy's continuation.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Full Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Tenant's Full Name]
[Tenant's Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. With your current lease at [Property Address] approaching its expiration on [Lease Expiration Date], we are reaching out to discuss the terms of renewal, should you wish to continue residing at this property. This letter serves to initiate the lease renewal process, giving you ample time to consider your options and make an informed decision.

We have thoroughly enjoyed having you as a tenant and appreciate the care you have taken with the property. In recognition of this, we are prepared to offer a renewal with [any changes in terms such as rent increase, policy changes, etc., if applicable] to take effect upon the start of the new lease term.

To proceed with the renewal, please confirm your intention to renew your lease by [Response Deadline]. If you decide to renew, we will prepare the necessary documentation reflecting any updated terms for your review and signature. Please note, if we do not receive a response by the specified deadline, we will assume you do not wish to renew your lease and will proceed with seeking a new tenant for [Property Address].

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss the renewal terms further, do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to ensure that [Property Address] continues to meet your needs and remains a place you are proud to call home.

We look forward to your response and hope to continue this positive relationship.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]
Enclosures: Lease Renewal Form, Payment Options Information Sheet

3. Maintenance Notification Letter

A maintenance notification letter is a written notice sent by landlords or property management to inform tenants of upcoming repairs or maintenance work that will be carried out on the property.

This type of letter serves as a courtesy to tenants, offering them advance notice about the maintenance activities. It helps prepare tenants for any possible disruptions or access requirements that the maintenance team may need during this period.

The maintenance notification letter typically includes detailed information about the nature of the maintenance work, its expected duration, and the timing of when the work will be conducted. This could range from routine inspections and repairs to more extensive renovation projects.


[Landlord/Property Management Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Tenant's Name]
[Property/Unit Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of upcoming maintenance work scheduled for your building/residence at [Property/Unit Address]. This is part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that our properties remain safe, comfortable, and up-to-date.

Details of the maintenance work are as follows:

We understand that this may cause some inconvenience, and we appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we carry out these necessary improvements. Our aim is to minimize disruptions as much as possible. Please be assured that workers will strive to keep noise levels and disturbances to a minimum.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance work, please do not hesitate to contact [Contact Person's Name] at [Contact Person's Phone Number] or [Contact Person's Email Address].

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to completing this work swiftly and with minimal inconvenience to you.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

4. Notice to Enter Letter

A notice-to-enter letter is a formal document that a landlord or property manager sends to their tenants to notify them of the intention to enter their rental unit. This letter serves multiple purposes including performing necessary maintenance or repair work, showcasing the property to prospective buyers or future tenants, and conducting routine or scheduled inspections to ensure the property's condition.

The notice typically outlines the reason for entry, providing transparency between the landlord and tenant and ensuring that the process adheres to legal requirements and respects the tenant's privacy and rights.


[Landlord/Property Management Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Tenant's Name]
[Property/Unit Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I am writing to inform you that we will need to enter your rental unit at [address] on [date] between [time range]. The purpose of this visit is to conduct a routine inspection of the property's condition.

As per our lease agreement and state and local laws, we are required to provide you with advance written notice before entering the premises. We value your privacy and understand that your rental unit is your personal space; thus, we want to ensure that we respect your rights.

Our team will be conducting a brief inspection of the property's interior and exterior, including any necessary repairs or maintenance work. We will also take photos for our records and potential marketing purposes in case you decide to move out in the future.

Please note that this is a mandatory inspection designed to keep the property in good condition and address any potential issues promptly. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will be happy to address them and work with you to find a suitable time for the visit if necessary.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We value our landlord-tenant relationship and strive to maintain a positive and mutually respectful dynamic. We look forward to seeing you at the scheduled time and ensuring that your living space remains in excellent condition.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

5. Lease Termination Letter

A lease termination letter is a formal document sent to inform a resident that their current lease agreement will be coming to an end. This letter serves as an official notice and outlines the reasons for the termination, providing both parties with a clear understanding of the lease's conclusion.

It's a critical component of the landlord-tenant relationship, ensuring that the process adheres to legal standards and respects both parties' rights.

An eviction notice or termination can occur for various reasons, including but not limited to, the tenant's non-payment of rent, breach of lease agreements, or the landlord's need to retake possession of the property for personal use or renovation.

The issuance of a lease termination letter often follows specific legal requirements, including a set notice period, which varies depending on local laws and the terms of the lease itself. This notice period gives the tenant ample time to seek alternative accommodation and prepare for the move, thereby minimizing potential disputes and misunderstandings.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Tenant's Name],

This letter serves as formal notification that your lease for the property located at [Property Address], currently occupied by you, will be terminated as of [Termination Date]. According to the terms of your lease agreement and in compliance with [State/Country] law, this letter is being sent to you [Notice Period, e.g. 30 days] in advance of the termination date.

The reason for the termination is as follows: [State Reason for Termination - e.g., "The lease agreement terms have been fulfilled and will not be renewed," "Non-payment of rent," "Breach of lease agreement terms," etc.].

Please take note of the following information and instructions regarding the termination of your lease:

  1. All occupants must vacate the property by no later than [Termination Date], ensuring that the property is left in a clean and undamaged condition.
  2. Please arrange to return all keys to the property, including any copies made, on or before [Termination Date].
  3. A final inspection of the property will be scheduled for [Date of Final Inspection]. You are encouraged to be present for this inspection to discuss any potential charges for damages beyond normal wear and tear.
  4. Ensure that your forwarding address is provided before vacating the premises so that your security deposit, minus any deductions for damages, can be returned to you.
  5. All utilities must be settled and accounts closed by the [Termination Date] unless otherwise agreed.

We appreciate the time you spent living on our property and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice or the moving-out process, please feel free to contact me directly.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

Please note: This template should be adjusted to fit the specific legal requirements and circumstances related to your property and lease agreement. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

6. Security Deposit Refund Letter

A tenant’s security deposit is a sum of money that residents pay at the start of their lease as security against any potential damages or unpaid rent. When a tenant decides to terminate their lease, they are entitled to receive a refund of their security deposit, minus any deductions for damages beyond normal wear and tear.

The purpose of a security deposit refund letter is to inform the tenant of the amount being refunded and any deductions that have been made. This letter should be sent within a reasonable timeframe after the tenant has moved out and the property has been inspected. Be sure to check your state’s laws, as many states require property managers to communicate what is being deducted and return refunds within a certain time frame.


[Landlord/Property Manager's Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager's Address]
City, State, Zip Code
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. Following the conclusion of your lease for the property located at [Property Address], and after a thorough inspection of the premises, I am writing to inform you about the status of your security deposit.

Based on our lease agreement and the inspection carried out on [Inspection Date], please find below the detailed statement of your security deposit refund:

Please expect to receive your refund in the form of [Check, Bank Transfer, etc.], which will be dispatched to you at the address mentioned above by [Date of Refund Dispatch], unless we receive instructions for an alternative address within [number of days] days of this letter.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification concerning the deductions or the refund process, feel free to contact me directly at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your tenancy at [Property Address], and we wish you all the best in your future residence.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

7. Notice of Rent Increase Letter

A notice of rent increase letter is a formal notification sent by a landlord or property management company to their tenant(s) informing them of an upcoming rent increase. This letter should be sent in accordance with the lease agreement and local laws, which often require a specified advance notice period.

It explains the reasons for the increase, the amount of the increase, and when the new rent will take effect. It serves to ensure clear communication between the landlord and tenant about changes in the lease terms.


[Landlord/Property Manager's Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
City, State, Zip Code
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. This letter serves as formal notice of a rent increase for the property located at [Property Address]. The current monthly rent of $[Current Rent Amount] will be increased by $[Amount of Increase], making the new monthly rent $[New Rent Amount].

This increase will take effect on [Effective Date of Rent Increase]. According to the terms of your lease and the laws governing our state/city, this notice is being provided [Number of Days] days in advance of the increase taking effect.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this increase, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your continued tenancy.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

8. Violation Notice Letter

A violation notice letter is sent to a resident to address breaches of lease terms or community rules. This document specifies the nature of the violation, any actions required to remedy the violation, and the deadline for doing so. It serves as a formal record that the tenant has been notified of the violation and allows them to correct the issue.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
City, State, Zip Code
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Tenant's Name],

This letter is to inform you of a violation of the lease terms/property rules at the premises you occupy at [Property Address]. Specifically, you are in violation of [Description of Violation].

According to the terms of your lease, you are required to [Required Action to Remedy Violation]. Please complete these actions by [Deadline for Action].

Failure to address this violation by the specified deadline may result in further action, including penalties or eviction procedures.

We value your tenancy and wish to resolve this matter promptly. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require an extension to meet the requirements.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

9. Welcome Letter

A welcome letter is a friendly, informative letter provided by a landlord/property manager to a new tenant. It usually includes important information about the property, community guidelines, contact information for emergency and maintenance requests, and any other relevant details to help the tenant settle in. Additionally, it promotes a positive landlord-resident relationship.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
City, State, Zip Code
[New Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [New Tenant's Name],

Welcome to your new home at [Property Address]! We are pleased to have you as a tenant and hope you will enjoy living in our community.

This letter contains important information to assist you as you settle in. You will find attached [or below] details regarding property amenities, trash and recycling collection days, parking regulations, and emergency contact information.

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Welcome aboard, and may your time at [Property Address] be comfortable and enjoyable.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

Bonus: For folks using RentCheck to save time on their inspection process, you might want to include something like this:

Important: Please read before moving any belongings into your new home

If you haven’t already, you’ll soon receive a move-in inspection request from RentCheck. We use this third-party partner to ensure your living space meets expectations or promptly remedy any preexisting maintenance issues.

Please complete the inspection before you start moving in your personal belongings. RentCheck allows you to do this at your convenience and helps promote a fair and transparent relationship. We want you to get your full deposit back, so please be as thorough as possible.

If you need any assistance while completing your inspection, reach out to RentCheck’s support team directly through their chat feature or at (504) 285-6867.

10. Notice of Intent to Sell Letter

A notice of intent to sell letter is a formal communication to residents indicating the owner's intention to put the property on the market. This notice informs tenants of potential changes, including property viewings and inspections. It also outlines the tenants' rights during the sales process and any actions they may need to take.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
City, State, Zip Code
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Tenant's Name],

I am writing to inform you of my intention to sell the property located at [Property Address]. This decision does not immediately affect your current lease terms or occupancy but does mean that there may be upcoming property viewings and assessments.

Please be assured that all viewings will be scheduled in advance to minimize inconvenience. Furthermore, your rights as a tenant during this process are protected under [Applicable Law/Lease Agreement], and we are committed to communicating openly and ensuring a smooth transition.

Further details regarding the sales process and any potential impacts on your tenancy will be provided as they become available.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

11. Notice to Residents About RentCheck

When implementing RentCheck or giving a long-time resident a heads-up about an upcoming annual inspection, it’s important to alert them so they aren’t caught off guard and know what to expect. This template can help eliminate any surprises and set expectations when they’re sent an inspection request.


[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Address]
City, State, Zip Code
[Tenant's Name]
[Tenant's Address]
City, State, Zip Code

Hi [Resident's Name],

We hope this message finds you well! It’s time to check in for your [move-in/move-out/annual] inspection which means you'll soon receive an invitation from RentCheck, our inspection platform designed to improve your experience with us.

Here's why you'll love it:

  1. Pick the best time for you: With RentCheck, you can breeze through your [move-in/move-out/annual] inspection whenever is convenient using your smart device.
  2. Time-saving and convenient: It’s self-guided so you don’t have to worry about scheduling around someone else and will take you less than 12 minutes.
  3. Peace of mind: Completing your [move-in/move-out/annual] inspection helps address any concerns you may have, ensure you’re satisfied, and help secure your full security deposit

If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the setup process, please reach out to RentCheck directly in the app. They’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Thank you for being part of our community for the past year!

[Landlord/Property Manager’s Name]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Contact Information]
[Landlord/Property Manager’s Signature]

Best Practices for Writing Letters to Your Resident

Below are some best practices to follow when writing letters to your resident.

Use a Professional and Polite Tone

It is important to maintain a professional and polite tone throughout the letter as this will help build a positive relationship with your residents. Avoid using aggressive or threatening language and always address your residents respectfully.

Clearly State the Purpose of the Letter

Make sure to clearly state the reason for writing the letter in the opening paragraph. This will help your resident understand what the letter is about and avoid any confusion. Keep the letter concise and to the point.

Address the Recipient by Name

Personalizing the letter by using the resident's name fosters a more direct and respectful connection, contrasting sharply with the impersonal feel that terms like "tenant" or "resident" can create.

Include All Necessary Information

It's vital to include comprehensive details in the letter, such as relevant dates, times, and specific instructions or requests. This clarity helps avoid confusion and ensures the resident knows exactly what is expected.

Proofread Before Sending

To maintain a professional appearance, thoroughly proofreading the letter for spelling and grammatical errors is crucial. This diligence prevents misunderstandings and upholds your credibility.

Follow Up

If the letter necessitates a response or action, following up with the resident ensures that nothing is overlooked and that all matters are addressed promptly and efficiently. This also shows that you value and take seriously any feedback or concerns from your residents.

Keep a Record

Keeping copies of all correspondence with residents is a prudent practice for future reference and record-keeping. This ensures a well-documented history of communication and can be invaluable in resolving any potential disputes or misunderstandings.

Let RentCheck Handle Your Rental Inspection Process

As a property manager, maintaining landlord-tenant relationships can be time-consuming. But the rental inspection process doesn’t have to be.

RentCheck is transforming rental property inspections. This innovative platform empowers residents to conduct their own inspections, saving property managers valuable time. With our platform, the entire communication and inspection processes mentioned above is streamlined and automated.

With RentCheck, users can easily capture and upload photos directly through the platform, ensuring that every detail of the property's condition is meticulously documented. This feature simplifies the inspection process and enhances transparency between property managers and residents.

The comprehensive reports generated by RentCheck, complete with detailed photos, facilitate effortless comparison of the property’s condition at move-in and move-out. This level of detail and clarity helps you quickly resolve any disputes and ensures a fair assessment for all parties involved. Sign up for a free trial now!