New HKEX Listing Rules on Listed Issuers’ Share Schemes to Take effect 1 January 2023

HKEx Concludes on Proposed Amendments to Listing Rules Relating to Share Schemes of Listed Issuers and Housekeeping Rule Amendment

On 29 July 2022, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the HKEx) published consultation conclusions on Proposed Amendments to the Listing Rules relating to Share Schemes of Listed issuers and Housekeeping Rule Amendment (the Consultation Conclusions).

The HKEx had previously issued the Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to Listing Rules relating to Share Schemes of Listed Issuers 1 in October 2021 on proposals to extend Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules to govern share award schemes, as Chapter 17 currently provides a framework that only governs share option schemes. There were also proposed changes to certain specific requirements in Chapter 17 and to improve disclosure of grants of share options and share awards. The major changes mainly relate to (i) the role of the remuneration committee and INEDs; (ii) the minimum vesting period for share awards and options; and (iii) application of requirements concerning share schemes to subsidiaries of a listed issuer.

A summary of the proposals to be adopted as outlined in the Consultation Conclusions is set out below.

The new requirements will take effect on 1 January 2023. The HKEx Conclusions Paper can be found on the HKEx website here.

Chapter 17 HKEx Listing Rules Terms

The following table sets out the meaning of defined terms used in the newsletter. Reference to “Chapters” is a reference to chapters under the Listing Rules.

A subsidiary whose total assets, profits and revenue compared to that of the listed company’s group are less than:

(a) 10% under the percentage ratios for each of the latest three financial years (or if less, the period since the incorporation or establishment of the subsidiary); or

(b) 5% under the percentage ratios for the latest financial year

In respect of a listed company’s Share Schemes, Share Grants refer to grants of share awards and/or options over new shares of the company.

In respect of a subsidiary’s Share Scheme, Share Grants refer to grants of share awards and/or options over new or existing shares of the subsidiary.

A summary of main Listing Rule changes adopted as described in the Consultation Conclusions

The major modifications to Listing Rule requirements arising from the Consultation Conclusions are as follows:

Summary of proposals to be adopted

The following is a summary of proposals that will be adopted: